jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010
miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010
1 - 6 Dec | Noruega | ArtProjectMjosa2010
Soon the second ArtProjectMjosa will happen in Norway!
First edition can be seen here :
The new project for 2010 can be seen here, but it is still quite much in the making...
viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010
26-30 Nov | Cuba | Video performance | GenderFluxβ
26-27 Nov | Australia | Performance Documentations
Thanks to the Australian performance festival exist-ence:, video and photo documentations will on show at the Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Art in Brisbane.
a festival of performance art, live art and action art
November 26 – 27, 2010
Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Art
Brisbane, Australia
miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010
24 Nov | España/Pais Catalá | Performance | GenderFlux - buffet de genero | La Ovella Vermella, Catalunya.
"Les persones en recerca dels seus personatges de les Seves personalitats. Busquen el seu cos del desig o perdut en el seu cos. Formes hetero normals de la vida estan canviant. Les hormones canvien cossos i personatges voluntàriament o forçat per la contaminació. El flux ràpid d'informació en l'era d'Internet fent-nos somiar i sentir moltes coses més que abans.
Abans potser vós vas sentir que era un home o una dona o gai. Al twitter flux ràpid d'informació d'avui, les desitjos i els concepcions canvia cada vegada més ràpid. No hi ha temps per canviar el seu gènere. El seu gènere s'ha convertit en un flux constant de metamorfisme de gèneres. GenderFlux. "
Curador: Pedro Albo. Organizacion: La Ovella Vermella. http://laovellavermella.blogspot.seAbans potser vós vas sentir que era un home o una dona o gai. Al twitter flux ràpid d'informació d'avui, les desitjos i els concepcions canvia cada vegada més ràpid. No hi ha temps per canviar el seu gènere. El seu gènere s'ha convertit en un flux constant de metamorfisme de gèneres. GenderFlux. "
miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010
17 Nov | Portugal | Performance
"Esta proposta GenderFlux ensaia a temática de Género.
Henrik Hedinge nesta acção foca a questão de como o uso de comunicação à escala global por internet redes sociais, altera o corpo de desejo de cada um, de como esta velocidade também pode alterar a forma como as pessoas resolvem a sua personalidade interagindo com personagens múltiplas, relativizando identidade e género.
Para o performer o estimulo da comunicação é tão fugaz que já nem existe tempo para a mudança de género, o que existe é metamorfoses constantes, fluxos de género que ele denomina de GenderFlux.
Na performance irá trabalhar com a manipulação da ideia de género de forma plástica, usará o seu próprio corpo como forma transformável e com a interactividade face a este corpo, com ajuda do publico.
Tem executado os seus trabalhos em vários locais da Europa ao Continente Americano, desdobrando-se também enquanto personagem transformista nómada."
Escrito por Nuno Oliveira.
martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010
16 Nov | Sweden | Article
The Swedish art blog Tema Konst published an article about my art, signed by the writer Magnus Sjöbleke.
It is still just available in Swedish but hopefully soon in English and Spanish.
It is still just available in Swedish but hopefully soon in English and Spanish.
lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010
8 Nov | Madrid | Perfomance o Perfocharla
El 8 de Noviembre invitamos a una especie de taller/performance/perfocharla en el evento Happening "Transfiguart en la Tabacalera" en Madrid.
A los 20 horas o algo así.
A los 20 horas o algo así.
sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010
30 Oct | Madrid | Performance
30th of Octobre it is time for a new GenderFlux performance, this time in Madrid at the ArteEnAccion event.
domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010
27 Oct | Norway | Blogpost
The Norwegian blogger Inspiration Beyond Reason decided to write something about my art :)
Very interesting blog in general, check it out http://inspirationbeyondreason.blogspot.com/
Very interesting blog in general, check it out http://inspirationbeyondreason.blogspot.com/
jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010
16 Oct | International Biennial of Performance "PerfoArtNet" | Web performance
Flyer for the performance by Lars Bylund
The 16th of October I was invited to do a web performance for the International Biennial of Performance organized by PerfoArtNet, Bogota, Colombia.
The performance was the life drawing performance but this time via internet link to the world.
Before it has been performed live with a school in Sweden, at an art space in Turkey, in several places in Serbia and in Macedonia.
The idea of the performance is that I pose like a regular life drawing model. The audience is asked to draw in the same way as during a normal life drawing session i.e. what you see but this time the instruction is to draw me as I look but as if I was pregnant.
People that participated are asked to send me their drawings to me via email or normal mail for the future organization of an exhibition.
The actual performance could have been seen live via http://www.stickam.com/henrikhedingedperfo
Now there are some video clips of the performance there instead.
Overall info about the International Biennial of Performance organized by PerfoArtNet can be found here:
9 Oct | Buenos Aires | Video performance and web performance
Video performance GenderFluxβ and web performance to the festival Enlaces in Buenos Aires, the 9th of Octobre.
More info at the blog of the event: enlacesuntref.blogspot.com
miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010
29 Sept/ 1 Oct | Bosnia | Video performance | GenderFluxβ
The video performance GenderFluxβ will be screened in Bosnia at the namaTRE.ba 4 video art event.
More info here http://www.namatre.ba/
martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010
28 Sept | Serbia | Performance and lecture at high school
Thanks to the invitation of the performance artist and professor Dragan Vojvodic I was invited to a high school in Novi Sad, Serbia, to present performances and a talk for the art and photo students.
Another thanks to the Argentinian fashion designer Luciana Passerni that had designed to clothes used in the performance.
viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010
24-25 Sept | Greece | Video performance | GenderFluxβ
GenderFluxβ will be screened in Greece thanks to the Moving Frames Festival.
jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010
23 Sept | Skopje | Performance
The 23rd of September I presented a series of performances at the Open Grafic Art Studio at the Museum of the City of Skopje.
Thanks to the Macedonian curator Jovanka Popova.
Article in the news paper Nova Macedonia before the event here.
Here the information in Macedonian:
23 септември (четврток), 21 часот
Отворено графичко студио
Презентација на перформерската практика на Henrik Heding и перформанс на тема род и стереотипи
***********************************************************************Луѓе кои се во потрага по својата личност. Луѓе кои се во потрага по пожелно тело или пак се изгубени во своето тело. Вообичаените хетеро начини на живот се менуваат. Хормоните го менуваат телото и личноста, природно или под влијание на загадувањето. Брзиот проток на информации во ерата на интернетот прави да сонуваме или чувствуваме многу повеќе отколку претходно.
Некогаш можеби сте можеле да се почувствувате дека сте маж или жена. Во денешниот нервозен тек на брзи информации желбите и концепциите се менуваат се побрзо. Повеќе нема време за промена на родот. Вашиот род станува константен ток на полови метаморфози. GenderFlux.
Henrik Hedinge (1980) е шведски уметник чиј предмет на интерес е уметноста на перформансот и сродните полиња од областа на видео артот и инсталацијата. Уметнички проекти презентирал насекаде низ Европа и Латинска Америка. Неговата работа, фокусирана на темата на различните начини на промена на телата и полот, прикажана е преку работилници, видео арт, веб перформанси и перформанси.
lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010
20 Sept | Performance in Newspaper | BLIC, Serbia
Article in the Serbian newspaper BLIC about the performance I presented at:
IMAF 2010 - 12th International Multimedial Art Festival.
viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010
17-18 Sept | Serbia | Performance at the IMAF 2010 performance festival
12th International Multimedial Art Festival - IMAF 2010
IMAF this year was held in the following three terms: 7th and 8th May 2010 (Caroline Smith, London-United Kingdom), 3rd July 2010 (Tonya McMullan, Belfast-Northern Ireland) and 17th and 18th September 2010 (Heike Pfingsten, Nordhorn-Germany, Henrik Hedinge, Sweden, Caterina Davinio, Rome-Italy, Pilar Talavera, Lima-Peru, Ana Alenso, Caracas-Venezuela and from Serbia: Radoslav Chugaly, Nenad Bogdanovic, Gordana Zlatanovic, MP_art, Dragan Vojvodic and Stanisa Krstic).
viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010
10-11 Sept | Sweden | Performance quiz
Presented a performance art quiz in the format tv-show together with a visit by the Republican Banana Party on election tour.
A lot of people. A lot of art. And not so much planned. Just great.
Fotos form the event here http://yttrevang.se/bildarkiv/2010-2/
Main site of the event is http://yttrevang.se
10 Sept | Canada | Group show
Is participating with 10 illustrations in the exhibition Peripheral Zones in Hamilton, Canada.
"Peripheral Zones
September 10 - October 2, 2010
An exhibition of drawings, video and performance by: Gabriela Alonso, Nelda Ramos and Zonadearte gallery artists (Quilmes, Argentina).
Curated by Irene Loughlin Location: Hamilton Artists Inc. 161 James St North Hamilton ON
Opening: Friday, September 10th, during the James St. North Art Crawl, 7-11 pm, with a live performance by Gabriela Alonso and Nelda Ramos at 9 pm
Gallery hours: Tues-Fri 12-5, Sat 12-4"
"Peripheral Zones
September 10 - October 2, 2010
An exhibition of drawings, video and performance by: Gabriela Alonso, Nelda Ramos and Zonadearte gallery artists (Quilmes, Argentina).
Curated by Irene Loughlin Location: Hamilton Artists Inc. 161 James St North Hamilton ON
Opening: Friday, September 10th, during the James St. North Art Crawl, 7-11 pm, with a live performance by Gabriela Alonso and Nelda Ramos at 9 pm
Gallery hours: Tues-Fri 12-5, Sat 12-4"
jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010
9 Sept | Australia | Performance video and performance photos
Rebecca Cunningham is taking my performance video "El Piramide" (2009) and some performance photos to the performance forum "Under The Radar Forum" at the Brisbane festival.
This material was shown earlier this year at the Existence Performance Art Festival in Brisbane.
lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010
30 Aug: WebPerformance2: Puzzuela/Rompecaracas
This webperformance will be broadcast live from Blåvik, Boxholms Kommun, Sweden, at 1900 local swedish time 30th of August at www.ustream.tv/channel/HenrikLIVE
viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010
27 Aug: Participating the art fair Konstrakan
First time ever tested to paricipate in the art event Konstrakan in Tranås, Sweden.
Lots of interesting discussions with people about performance, what it is, what it could be etc.
But no one tried the performance tipspromenad.
http://www.konstrakan.se/ Or Blåvik Performance at www.blavikperformance.blogspot.se See interview with me. It starts at 10:12. See it bellow or follow this link to youtube.
Lots of interesting discussions with people about performance, what it is, what it could be etc.
But no one tried the performance tipspromenad.
http://www.konstrakan.se/ Or Blåvik Performance at www.blavikperformance.blogspot.se See interview with me. It starts at 10:12. See it bellow or follow this link to youtube.
lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010
17 Aug: LiveWebPerformance - WebPerformanceEnVIVO
LarsBylund MediaLAB in Andersberg, Halmstad
invites to a new LiveWebPerformance
by Henrik Hedinge and Lars Bylund
17th of August between 2300-0100 (GMT +1 DST)
A presentation of a performance documentation that becomes a performance itself. With this performance we wish to address and inspire considerations about performance and its’ documentations. How is performance documented, how the documentations are presented and how a performance can live on after that it was presented.
The performance is based upon the documentation of Henrik Hedinge´s performance “Fútbil Congelado” presented at the Ecuadorian performance festival Documenta Mishqui and which was photographed by the Ecuadorian photographer Samuel Tituaña.
Earlier project during 2010 with a Halmstad connection for Henrik Hedinge and Lars Bylund: The poetry performance film “Tango Terrible” which was filmed in Halmstad during 2009 and was screened at a culture festival in Uruguay 2010.
viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010
13-14 Aug | Vietnam | Performance Documentations
During 13th and 14th of August, performance photos of my performance El Piramide (Venezuela, 2009) was shown at the IN:ACT performance festival in Hanoi in collaboration with the Australian performance festival Existence Performance Art.
The video performance El Piramide has been shown in Argentina (2009) and in Australia (2010).
The performance El Piramide was executed in Caracas, Venezuela in 2009.
The video performance El Piramide has been shown in Argentina (2009) and in Australia (2010).
The performance El Piramide was executed in Caracas, Venezuela in 2009.
miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010
4 Aug | Sweden | Article
The 4th of August a larger interview about my art was published in the Swedish newspaper Östgöta Correspondenten.
The website of the newspaper www.corren.se
sábado, 10 de julio de 2010
10 Julio: Henrik Hedinge bjuder på: "För mycket foton och för lite fika"
Henrik Hedinge bjuder på: För mycket foton och för lite fika
Välkomna till Blåvik på lördag 10 juli för ett fika-föredrag om Henrik Hedinges år i Syd Amerika som performance konstnär.
Det blir bullar och historier om performance på Venezuelas National Museum för Konst, bokpublisering på Asuncións bokmässa, jordgubbsfotbollar i Quito, kristallkronor i Buenos Aires, konstsmuggling i Bolivia och om föredrag på universitet i Bogota.
Plats: Kalvuddens badplats, Blåvik, Östergötland
Tid: 1500, 10 juli
Kontakt: Henrik Hedinge 073 - 811 0 889
Välkomna till Blåvik på lördag 10 juli för ett fika-föredrag om Henrik Hedinges år i Syd Amerika som performance konstnär.
Det blir bullar och historier om performance på Venezuelas National Museum för Konst, bokpublisering på Asuncións bokmässa, jordgubbsfotbollar i Quito, kristallkronor i Buenos Aires, konstsmuggling i Bolivia och om föredrag på universitet i Bogota.
Plats: Kalvuddens badplats, Blåvik, Östergötland
Tid: 1500, 10 juli
Kontakt: Henrik Hedinge 073 - 811 0 889
jueves, 1 de julio de 2010
1 Julio: Video en Berlin
The video GenderFluxβ (2009/2010) will be show in Berlin on the first of July.
Conceptual text about the video and the overall project:
"People looking for their persona. Their personality. Looking for their body of desire or being lost in their own body. Hetero normal ways of living are changing. Hormones changing bodies and personas voluntarily, or forced by pollution. Fast information flux in the era of internet making us dream and feel many more things than before.
Before maybe you felt that you were a man or a woman or gay. In today's twitter flow of quick information, desires and conceptions change quicker and quicker. No time to change your gender. Your gender has become a constant flow of gender metamorfis. GenderFlux."
The video has been shown in Lima, Peru, before and performed as a performance in Belgrade, Serbia.
Conceptual text about the video and the overall project:
"People looking for their persona. Their personality. Looking for their body of desire or being lost in their own body. Hetero normal ways of living are changing. Hormones changing bodies and personas voluntarily, or forced by pollution. Fast information flux in the era of internet making us dream and feel many more things than before.
Before maybe you felt that you were a man or a woman or gay. In today's twitter flow of quick information, desires and conceptions change quicker and quicker. No time to change your gender. Your gender has become a constant flow of gender metamorfis. GenderFlux."
The video has been shown in Lima, Peru, before and performed as a performance in Belgrade, Serbia.
viernes, 25 de junio de 2010
25 June: Donation to biggest (?) performance art archive in Europe
On the 25th of June I donated a copy of the performance anthology "Performance en Cartón" to the biggest (?) performance art archive in Europe>>> www.asa.de
Photos and some comments coming soon.
Photos and some comments coming soon.
lunes, 14 de junio de 2010
28 Mayo: Video en Lima
The video GenderFluxβ (2009/2010) was shown in Lima at the Videoada event at the cultural space called El Galpon.
Some more info here www.elgalponespacio.blogspot.com
Conceptual text about the video and the over all project GenderFlux:
"People looking for their persona. Their personality. Looking for their body of desire or being lost in their own body. Hetero normal ways of living are changing. Hormones changing bodies and personas voluntarily or forced by pollution. Fast information flux in the era of internet making us dream and feel many more things than before.
Before maybe you felt that you were a man or a woman or gay. In today's twitter flow of quick information, desires and conceptions change quicker and quicker. No time to change your gender. Your gender has become a constant flow of gender metamorfis. GenderFlux."
Some more info here www.elgalponespacio.blogspot.com
Conceptual text about the video and the over all project GenderFlux:
"People looking for their persona. Their personality. Looking for their body of desire or being lost in their own body. Hetero normal ways of living are changing. Hormones changing bodies and personas voluntarily or forced by pollution. Fast information flux in the era of internet making us dream and feel many more things than before.
Before maybe you felt that you were a man or a woman or gay. In today's twitter flow of quick information, desires and conceptions change quicker and quicker. No time to change your gender. Your gender has become a constant flow of gender metamorfis. GenderFlux."
sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010
15th May: At least 2 performances, Roma, Italy - NOT
At least two performance to be presented the 15th of May in Roma.
Canceled because of fever :(
Was supposed to have been the first mayor GenderFlux live performance. So the process is a bit stuck but the video continues to be shown in different parts of the world. So far it has been shown in Lima and in Berlin.
Canceled because of fever :(
Was supposed to have been the first mayor GenderFlux live performance. So the process is a bit stuck but the video continues to be shown in different parts of the world. So far it has been shown in Lima and in Berlin.
jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010
6th of May: 3 performances and a talk in Serbia
3 performances and a talk in Belgrade the 6th of May.
At Remont Gallery. http://www.remont.net/
SERBIAN TEXT (English text below):
Galerija REMONT
U četvrtak 06. maja u 17:30
Henrik Hedinge
Prezentacija performerske prakse Henrika Hedingea i tri performansa na temu roda i stereotipa
Ljudi u potrazi za svojom ličnošću. U potrazi su za poželjnim telom ili su izgubljeni u svom telu. Normalni hetero načini života se menjaju. Hormoni menjaju tela i ličnosti, namerno ili pod uticajem zagađenja. Brzi protok informacija putem interneta čini da sanjamo i osećamo mnogo više stvari nego pre.
Nekada ste možda mogli osećati da ste muškarac ili žena ili gej. U današnjem nervoznom toku brzih informacija želje i koncepcije se menjaju sve brže i brže. Više nema vremena za promenu pola. Vaš pol je postao konstantan tok polnih metamorfoza. GenderFlux.
Henrik Hedinge je počeo da se bavi performansom vezano za teme sporta i lend arta u Švedskoj. U svom daljem performerskom radu, širom Evrope, istraživao je nove teme vezane za medije i popularnu kulturu. Zatim je usledio jednogodišnji performerski rad po Latinskoj Americi – fruity torture, strawberry football, lucha libre, violent banana amputations.
Henrik je sada ponovo u Evropi sa novom serijom performansa - GenderFlux.
Henrik Hedinge (1980,Švedska)
Performer, kustos i organizator performerskih umetničkih projekata.
Prezentovao je performanse u galerijama, muzejima, kulturnim centrima i festivalima performansa u Argentini, Boliviji, Kolumbiji, Ekvadoru, Engleskoj, Italiji, Norveškoj, Paragvaju, Švedskoj, Urugvaju, Venecueli i Turskoj.
Video performanse je prikazivao i predstavljao na umetničkim festivalima, festivalima performansa, filmskim festivalima, muzejima i galerijama u Argentini, Australiji, Estoniji, Meksiku, Rusiji, Švedskoj i Urugvaju.
Učestvovao na izložbama u galerijama, muzejima i kulturnim centrima u Brazilu, Kanadi, Italiji, Švedskoj, Paragvaju i Sloveniji.
Održao predavanja na temu performansa na univerzitetima, školama, muzejima, kulturnim centrima i festivalima performansa u Argentini, Boliviji, Kolumbiji, Ekvadoru, Engleskoj, Italiji, Norveškoj, Paragvaju, Švedskoj i Venecueli.
Rezident program u Italiji, Estoniji, Norveškoj, Boliviji, Argentini i Paragvaju.
U domenu performansa je organizovao i kurirao izložbe, video projekcije i saradničke projekte u Švedskoj, Kolumbiji, Italiji i Paragvaju.
3 performances and a talk in Belgrade the 6th of May.
At Remont Gallery. http://www.remont.net/
Text in progress. Text looking something like this at the moment:
Three performances and a lecture.
A lecture about Henrik Hedinge’s performance art combined with three performances about gender and stereotypes.
People looking for their persona. Their personality. Looking for their body of desire or being lost in their body. Hetero normal ways of living are changing. Hormones changing bodies and personas voluntarily or forced by pollution. Fast information flux in the era of internet making us dream and feel many more things than before.
Before maybe you felt that you were a man or a woman or gay. In today's twitter flow of quick information, desires and conceptions change quicker and quicker. No time to change your gender. Your gender has become a constant flow of gender metamorfis. GenderFlux.
Henrik Hedinge started working with performance in connection with sports and land art in Sweden. With further performance work around in Europe new issues around media and popular culturure were explored. The period in Europe lead to a one year period of performance work in Latin Amerika with fruity torture, strawberry football, lucha libre and violent banana amputations.
Now he is back in Europe with a new series of performances - GenderFlux.
sábado, 10 de abril de 2010
April 10: Kueer Qonstutställning, Malmö, Sweden
Participation in the "Kueer Qonstutställning" (Kueer Art Exhibition) at Galleria Ocampo in Malmö, Sweden, together with Marina Markovic.
Galleria Ocampo at Facebook.
She doıng me from behınd.
She doıng me from the front.
Woman gettıng the man pregnant.
Dont`t we need protectıon?
I haven`t taken my pılls.
I don`t have a condom.
It doesn`t matter. It ıs just a fuck.
'Come on get me pregnant'
Do me pregnant.
Fuck me over.
From behınd.
Protectıon ıs not nessecary, ıt ıs just a fuck.
Come on woman. Get me pregnant.
Concept, text, performer: Henrık Hedınge (Sweden), some kınd of man
Drawıngs by Marina Markovic (Serbıa), some kınd of woman
Long runnıng project. Text by Henrık Hedınge about the project.
Started some years ago when I had relatıonshıps wıth partners that had chıldren from the earlıer relasıonshıps.
How wıll I feel ın such a sıtuatıon, where the other person has a bıologıc tıe to the chıld whıle I not?
More thoughts emerged: how does the bıology of the body and the man effect the relatıonshıp to chıldren and people ın general?
Men lıvıng wıthout the experıence of growıng a chıld ın theır body. Wıtout the experıence of feedıng someone dırectly from hıs own body.
How does thıs effect the relatıon and relatıonshıps to people ın general?
Work took started ın Buenos Aıres wıth some performance pıeces where food was attached to my body. Later on ın Paraguay less subtıle connectıons where made by addıng contaınters of mılk to my body (even a Tetra Pak, maybe thıs became somethıng wıth mother Sweden?). Larger sets of food were connected to the body ın other performances. Large stomachs made up of red and yellow pınjata balloons were attached to sımulate pregnancıes ın dıfferent ways, maybe more as colourful metaphours than actually lookıng lıke pregnancıes.
Back ın Sweden the work contınued but ın more subtle ways. Pregnant man cakes were made and brought over to people for a fıka. A dıscussıon wıth a paınter ın Paraguay was ınıtıated about usıng my body ın paıntıngs but as beıng pregnant. Project stalled a bıt but contınued wıth the experıment of usıng the lıfe drawıng sıtuatıon at a school ın Sweden. I was the nude lıfe drawıng model and the students were asked to draw me as they normally do ın such a sıtuatıon but wıth the added ınstructıon of drawıng me pregnant. I was ıntvıted to partıcıpate ın a group exhıbıtıon ın Ljubljana wıth an artwork together wıth a Paraguayan artıst. The artwork was an ıllustratıon of me by the Paraguayn artıst repeated sıx tımes. On top of thıs I sew cut outs from a love and sex ınstructıonal book from the 70tıes, of the chıld ın the woman`s body durıng the dıfferent stages of the pregnancy. The theme of the exhıbıtıon was taboos depıcted by tradıtıonal handcrafts. When I sent of the proposal, I dıd not have a clue ıf `male pregnancy` was consıdered to be a taboo, but the art work was accepted.
When I came to Beogrado I started to thınk ıf I could develop the work there but after that a lot of people saıd that gays and lesbıans etc have very much problems there ın the publıc sphere. I started to thınk that ıt was not safe to develop any work there. A connectıon lead to another connectıon and I meet thıs serbıan artıst that also had worked a lot of tıme wıth ıssues concerıng the body. We dıscussed the lıfe drawıng experıments I had done and started talkıng about ıf we should do ıt togeter but just ın the format of one woman and one man, the heteronormal format of a relatıon and also the sex sıtuatıon. We realızed that the set up of a woman drawıng a man pregnant had quıte many surprısıng conotatıons, both comıcal ones and also quıte ınterestıng conotatıons around the man-woman relatıonshıp.
The woman gettıng the man pregnant.
Henrık Hedınge
Istanbul, Aprıl 1st 2010
Galleria Ocampo at Facebook.
She doıng me from behınd.
She doıng me from the front.
Woman gettıng the man pregnant.
Dont`t we need protectıon?
I haven`t taken my pılls.
I don`t have a condom.
It doesn`t matter. It ıs just a fuck.
'Come on get me pregnant'
Do me pregnant.
Fuck me over.
From behınd.
Protectıon ıs not nessecary, ıt ıs just a fuck.
Come on woman. Get me pregnant.
Concept, text, performer: Henrık Hedınge (Sweden), some kınd of man
Drawıngs by Marina Markovic (Serbıa), some kınd of woman
Long runnıng project. Text by Henrık Hedınge about the project.
Started some years ago when I had relatıonshıps wıth partners that had chıldren from the earlıer relasıonshıps.
How wıll I feel ın such a sıtuatıon, where the other person has a bıologıc tıe to the chıld whıle I not?
More thoughts emerged: how does the bıology of the body and the man effect the relatıonshıp to chıldren and people ın general?
Men lıvıng wıthout the experıence of growıng a chıld ın theır body. Wıtout the experıence of feedıng someone dırectly from hıs own body.
How does thıs effect the relatıon and relatıonshıps to people ın general?
Work took started ın Buenos Aıres wıth some performance pıeces where food was attached to my body. Later on ın Paraguay less subtıle connectıons where made by addıng contaınters of mılk to my body (even a Tetra Pak, maybe thıs became somethıng wıth mother Sweden?). Larger sets of food were connected to the body ın other performances. Large stomachs made up of red and yellow pınjata balloons were attached to sımulate pregnancıes ın dıfferent ways, maybe more as colourful metaphours than actually lookıng lıke pregnancıes.
Back ın Sweden the work contınued but ın more subtle ways. Pregnant man cakes were made and brought over to people for a fıka. A dıscussıon wıth a paınter ın Paraguay was ınıtıated about usıng my body ın paıntıngs but as beıng pregnant. Project stalled a bıt but contınued wıth the experıment of usıng the lıfe drawıng sıtuatıon at a school ın Sweden. I was the nude lıfe drawıng model and the students were asked to draw me as they normally do ın such a sıtuatıon but wıth the added ınstructıon of drawıng me pregnant. I was ıntvıted to partıcıpate ın a group exhıbıtıon ın Ljubljana wıth an artwork together wıth a Paraguayan artıst. The artwork was an ıllustratıon of me by the Paraguayn artıst repeated sıx tımes. On top of thıs I sew cut outs from a love and sex ınstructıonal book from the 70tıes, of the chıld ın the woman`s body durıng the dıfferent stages of the pregnancy. The theme of the exhıbıtıon was taboos depıcted by tradıtıonal handcrafts. When I sent of the proposal, I dıd not have a clue ıf `male pregnancy` was consıdered to be a taboo, but the art work was accepted.
When I came to Beogrado I started to thınk ıf I could develop the work there but after that a lot of people saıd that gays and lesbıans etc have very much problems there ın the publıc sphere. I started to thınk that ıt was not safe to develop any work there. A connectıon lead to another connectıon and I meet thıs serbıan artıst that also had worked a lot of tıme wıth ıssues concerıng the body. We dıscussed the lıfe drawıng experıments I had done and started talkıng about ıf we should do ıt togeter but just ın the format of one woman and one man, the heteronormal format of a relatıon and also the sex sıtuatıon. We realızed that the set up of a woman drawıng a man pregnant had quıte many surprısıng conotatıons, both comıcal ones and also quıte ınterestıng conotatıons around the man-woman relatıonshıp.
The woman gettıng the man pregnant.
Henrık Hedınge
Istanbul, Aprıl 1st 2010
sábado, 3 de abril de 2010
April 3: Performance in Istanbul, Turkey
Second day of the opening of the Uskudart space in Istanbul and I presented another performance.
Life Drawing Project - Small Group Drawing
Pencils were distributed among the people being present.
A small paper (half an A4) was placed on the floor.
I installed myself as the life drawing model.
The people present were asked to togehter make one drawing of me being pregnant at the small paper during the limited time of 60 seconds.
When the 60 seconds had passed each person was asked to sign the part of the drawing that they had made.
Info about the space where the performance took place:
Life Drawing Project - Small Group Drawing
Pencils were distributed among the people being present.
A small paper (half an A4) was placed on the floor.
I installed myself as the life drawing model.
The people present were asked to togehter make one drawing of me being pregnant at the small paper during the limited time of 60 seconds.
When the 60 seconds had passed each person was asked to sign the part of the drawing that they had made.
Info about the space where the performance took place:
viernes, 2 de abril de 2010
2nd April: Performance in Istanbul, Turkey
By the kind invitation of Uskudart in the Asian side of Istanbul, I presented the second performance at Turkish soil.
Life Drawing Project - Big Group Drawing
Me posing as a life drawing model.
As it was close to a mosque I had clothes on.
Pencils were distributed to everyone present.
A paper of 3m x 2m was put on the floor.
The people present were asked to make one drawing of me being pregnant on the big paper.
When it was fininished each person was asked to sign the parts of the body that they had drawn.
More info about the space here:
Life Drawing Project - Big Group Drawing
Me posing as a life drawing model.
As it was close to a mosque I had clothes on.
Pencils were distributed to everyone present.
A paper of 3m x 2m was put on the floor.
The people present were asked to make one drawing of me being pregnant on the big paper.
When it was fininished each person was asked to sign the parts of the body that they had drawn.
More info about the space here:
jueves, 1 de abril de 2010
1st April: Performance en Istanbul, Turkey
Peş Peşe performance event in Istanbul
Bubbly Chewing Gum Tumors
Body transformed by bubbly chewing gums of teenage years.
Photos: Volken Ergen
1 Nisan 2010, Perşembe 20:00
Aylık açık performans akşamı, her sanatçıya 15 dakka, peş peşe…
Et, zarafet, yücelik 2
“Ortalama bir göbek, sağlam sıkı, akça pakça ya da zambak gül karılımı bir ten, pürüzsüz etli, düzgün, kar beyazı tüysüz bir yüz...Derisi fazla gevşek olmayan, sarkmayan bir karın…”
Rubens, İnsan Figürünün Teorisi
*Çiğdem Kaya: “Uyuyan Yolcuları Soymaya Çalışan Hırsızı Yılanın Sokması
*Luk Sips, Nihali Ayribir: “Siyah Dul”
*Henrik Hedinge: “Balonlu Çiklet Tümörleri”
*Anne Weshinskey: “Harika Kabine Varyetesi”
*Ayşe Nur Ergen (ses), Volkan Ergen (video): “Beklemek”
*Kainat Güzeli: “Üçleme”
Giriş: 10 TL
Rengahenk Sanatevi
İstiklal Cad. Olivo Han Geçidi n.5 Kat:2 Galatasaray
(Barcelona Pastanesinin üstü)
Tel: 212 292 32 47
Bubbly Chewing Gum Tumors
Body transformed by bubbly chewing gums of teenage years.
Photos: Volken Ergen
1 Nisan 2010, Perşembe 20:00
Aylık açık performans akşamı, her sanatçıya 15 dakka, peş peşe…
Et, zarafet, yücelik 2
“Ortalama bir göbek, sağlam sıkı, akça pakça ya da zambak gül karılımı bir ten, pürüzsüz etli, düzgün, kar beyazı tüysüz bir yüz...Derisi fazla gevşek olmayan, sarkmayan bir karın…”
Rubens, İnsan Figürünün Teorisi
*Çiğdem Kaya: “Uyuyan Yolcuları Soymaya Çalışan Hırsızı Yılanın Sokması
*Luk Sips, Nihali Ayribir: “Siyah Dul”
*Henrik Hedinge: “Balonlu Çiklet Tümörleri”
*Anne Weshinskey: “Harika Kabine Varyetesi”
*Ayşe Nur Ergen (ses), Volkan Ergen (video): “Beklemek”
*Kainat Güzeli: “Üçleme”
Giriş: 10 TL
Rengahenk Sanatevi
İstiklal Cad. Olivo Han Geçidi n.5 Kat:2 Galatasaray
(Barcelona Pastanesinin üstü)
Tel: 212 292 32 47
lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010
25 Marzo: Muestra Colectivo en Eslovenia
El artista Sueco Henrik Hedinge y la artista Paraguaya Ann Lee presentan una obra en una muestra colectiva en Ljubljana, Eslovenia, el 25 de Marzo.
"Usted está cordialmente invitado a asistir a la inauguración de la exposición internacional de artesanías del grupo subversivo “Tabúes en nuestro Tejido Cultural” que tendrá lugar el jueves 25 de marzo, a las 7 pm en la galería en hiša Modra, Bravničarjeva 13, Liubliana, Eslovenia.
La exposición de artesanía subversivas “Tabúes en nuestro tejido cultural” presenta una selección de diecisiete artistas y grupos de arte de Croacia, Japón, los Países Bajos, Eslovenia, Paraguay, Serbia, Suecia, Turquía y EE.UU.. La exposición se une a la tradición formalmente intocable de los tabúes y la tradición artesanal. La reactivación de la nostalgia y la confianza en la tradición, ayudan a debilitar la resistencia frente a los tabúes profundamente arraigados, que a su vez permite a los artistas y visitantes una experiencia más relajada y una visión en profundidad en su esencia y las razones de su existencia.
Artistas que exponen: Stella Bernhardt, Margareth Degeling, Ana Dimitrijević y Aleksandar Popovic, Henrik Hedinge & Ann Lee, Sonja Hržina Majstorovic, Meta Jakic, Jasminka Končić, Ljubica Marčetić Marinovic, Natasa Skušek, Urh Sobočan, SKART, Martina Stirn, Hiroko Tsuchimoto, Evrensel Urum (euros), Roberta Weissman Nagy, Theresa M. Winge & Rebecca Schuiling. Los selectores de la exposición fueron Kristina Babošek, Petja Grafenauer y Veljko Njegovan. El catálogo ha sido diseñado por Vasja Cenčič, y el crucigrama en el catálogo de su padre Drago Cenčič. La exposición está organizada por Artevida, sin fines de lucro Instituto de Estudios de la Cultura y Arte."
Mas info (en Ingles) aqui:
http://artevidaorg.wordpress. com/2010/03/20/odprtje- subverzivne-razstave- subversive-exhibition-opening/
Nombre de la obra de arte: Embarazo del hombre (2010) Nombre de los artistas: Henrik Hedinge (Suecia) y Ann Lee (Paraguay)
Henrik Hedinge presentó la performance "Me siento un poco LesBiGayTrans" (I feel kinda LesBiGayTrans) en la Galería Planta Alta, en Asunción, Paraguay. La artista Ann Lee de Paraguay asistió a la performance e hizo una ilustración de Henrik, que posteriormente fue intervenida para esta exposición con recortes de un libro viejo de educación sexual, sobre la relación entre la mujer y el hombre. Una obra explorando y deconstruyendo las imágenes comunes utilizadas para describir al hombre y/o a la mujer.
"Usted está cordialmente invitado a asistir a la inauguración de la exposición internacional de artesanías del grupo subversivo “Tabúes en nuestro Tejido Cultural” que tendrá lugar el jueves 25 de marzo, a las 7 pm en la galería en hiša Modra, Bravničarjeva 13, Liubliana, Eslovenia.
La exposición de artesanía subversivas “Tabúes en nuestro tejido cultural” presenta una selección de diecisiete artistas y grupos de arte de Croacia, Japón, los Países Bajos, Eslovenia, Paraguay, Serbia, Suecia, Turquía y EE.UU.. La exposición se une a la tradición formalmente intocable de los tabúes y la tradición artesanal. La reactivación de la nostalgia y la confianza en la tradición, ayudan a debilitar la resistencia frente a los tabúes profundamente arraigados, que a su vez permite a los artistas y visitantes una experiencia más relajada y una visión en profundidad en su esencia y las razones de su existencia.
Artistas que exponen: Stella Bernhardt, Margareth Degeling, Ana Dimitrijević y Aleksandar Popovic, Henrik Hedinge & Ann Lee, Sonja Hržina Majstorovic, Meta Jakic, Jasminka Končić, Ljubica Marčetić Marinovic, Natasa Skušek, Urh Sobočan, SKART, Martina Stirn, Hiroko Tsuchimoto, Evrensel Urum (euros), Roberta Weissman Nagy, Theresa M. Winge & Rebecca Schuiling. Los selectores de la exposición fueron Kristina Babošek, Petja Grafenauer y Veljko Njegovan. El catálogo ha sido diseñado por Vasja Cenčič, y el crucigrama en el catálogo de su padre Drago Cenčič. La exposición está organizada por Artevida, sin fines de lucro Instituto de Estudios de la Cultura y Arte."
Mas info (en Ingles) aqui:
Nombre de la obra de arte: Embarazo del hombre (2010) Nombre de los artistas: Henrik Hedinge (Suecia) y Ann Lee (Paraguay)
Henrik Hedinge presentó la performance "Me siento un poco LesBiGayTrans" (I feel kinda LesBiGayTrans) en la Galería Planta Alta, en Asunción, Paraguay. La artista Ann Lee de Paraguay asistió a la performance e hizo una ilustración de Henrik, que posteriormente fue intervenida para esta exposición con recortes de un libro viejo de educación sexual, sobre la relación entre la mujer y el hombre. Una obra explorando y deconstruyendo las imágenes comunes utilizadas para describir al hombre y/o a la mujer.
Henrik Hedinge http://www.HenrikHedinge. blogspot.com
Ann Lee (Paraguay) http://www.flickr.com/photos/_ anna_lee_/
Ann Lee (Paraguay) http://www.flickr.com/photos/_
Fotos en Facebook sobre el proceso creativo, desde su inicio hasta el día de la exposición
martes, 9 de marzo de 2010
25 March: Handcraft Art Work to group exhibition in Slovenia
Participation in a group show in Slovenia togheter with a Paraguayan artist.
More info here http://artevidaorg.wordpress.com/2010/03/13/subversive-handicrafts-exhibition-opening-on-25th-of-march-2010/
Maybe some things happening in Belgrade too. More info soon.
More info here http://artevidaorg.wordpress.com/2010/03/13/subversive-handicrafts-exhibition-opening-on-25th-of-march-2010/
Maybe some things happening in Belgrade too. More info soon.
martes, 16 de febrero de 2010
18 Feb: Tango Terrible - Uruguay
Klicka på texten ovan, för att komma till en version med större text.
För mer info om eventet, kontakta Martin Barea Mattos: bareamattos@gmail.com
Se även info om detta på den Svenska Ambassadens hemsida i Buenos Aires som också är den svenska representationen i Uruguay, länk dit här.
Version Castellano
Click sobre el imagen para arriba para
ver un versión con texto grande.
Si es interesado en saber mas sobre el evento, contacta Martin Barea Mattos: bareamattos@gmail.com
Informacion sobre el proyeccion tambien en el sitio de la Embajada de Suecia en Buenos Aires, que también es el representacion Sueco en Uruguay, aqui.
English Version:
Click with the mouse on the text above
to see a larger version.
If you are interested in more info about the event, contact Martin Barea Mattos: bareamattos@gmail.com
Info in Swedish about the screening at the Embassy of Sweden in Buenos Aires (which also is the representation of Sweden in Uruguay) here.
video perfomance
domingo, 10 de enero de 2010
Jan 15-16: Performance video screened in Australia
The performance video "El Piramide" (2009) will be screened at the exist-ence: performance art event in Brisbane, Australia.
exist-ence: performance art event
live, film & artifact
15 - 16 Jan 2010
White Canvas Gallery
26 Church St, Fortitude Valley
video performance
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