jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

30 Aug | Artistic research at ONS2012

Spending a day doing artistic research at the ONS2012 (Offshore Northern Seas) in Stavanger, Norway.
Very interesting!

miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

29 Aug | Second Residency | Stavanger, Norway

Second residency at the TOUH residency project in Stavanger.
in collaboration with TOU Scene www.touscene.com

viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012

25 Aug | Residencey talk and Marsipan | Bergen, Norway

Fotografer: Dragan Vojvodic

Kunstnerssnakk/Öppen studio: Mellom hav och marsipan

Lördag 25. Aug kl 15 / USF Verftet AiR Studio 1

Öppen studio och havperformance.
Henrik visar upp lite tidigare performance projekt som han utvecklat i Norge och Sverige. Resonerar och presenterar lite work in progress från Bergenvistelsen för att sedan hoppe i havet och gjöre en ny havperformance.

Det kommer att finnes havinspirerade marsipanskulpturer att spise.

Ingang på baksiden på USF Verftet i tunnelen. Heis upp till etage 3.
Kommer att finnas Hav&Marsipan skyltning hela vejen.

Om du har några frågor eller finner ikke vejen ring Henrik på 93272895 eller mail henrik.hedinge@gmail.com

Artist talk/Open Studio: Between sea and marzipan

Saturday 3 pm August 25th / USF Verftet AiR Studio 1
Open studio and sea performance.

Henrik will present some earlier performance projects that he has developed in Norway and Sweden. Then he will show and talk about some work in progress from this Bergen stay before he jumps into the sea for a new sea performance.

There will be some sea inspired marzipan sculptures to eat.

Enter at the backside of USF Verftet, door in tunnel. Elevator up to 3rd floor.
There will be Hav&Marsipan signs to follow.

If you have any questions or cannot find the way, call Henrik at 93272895 or mail henrik.hedinge@gmail.com


martes, 7 de agosto de 2012

14 - 28th Aug | Residency | Bergen, Norway

Now residency in Bergen Norway at AiR Bergen.
More info at AiR Bergen

"Performance was nice: in the countryside, in the white cube. Now in
the sea with all its practical problems and possibilities.

Feeling ahead. Feeling 20 metres into the unknown. On the way to break
the waves. 7 metre mermaid construct.

The body with the sea. The sea with the body.
Via a number of experimental on body structures exploring the
sensation of the sea and interaction with the sea.

The use of the sea. The culture of the sea.
Becoming one with a sea. Sea me. Feeling seas.

Exploration of robotics and exosceletons turning into action
meditations. Stelarc on salty waters. Synchronized swimming into the
One with the elements." 


"El performance fue bonito: en el campo, en el cubo blanco. Ahora en
el mar con todos sus posibilidades y problemas prácticos.

Sintiendo adelante. Adentrándose 20 metros a lo desconocido. Vamos a romper
las olas. Un exoesqueleto de 7 metros de sirena.

El cuerpo con el mar. El mar con el cuerpo.
A través de un número de experimentos con estructuras corporales explorando

sensación del mar y la interacción con el mar.

El uso del mar. La cultura del mar.
Hacerse uno con el mar. Marmí. Sintiendo los mares.

Exploraciones de robótica y exoesqueletos se convirtieron en acción
meditaciones. Stelarc en aguas marinas. Natación sincronizada en lo
Uno con los elementos. "

11 August | Performance | Rektorsexpeditionen, Halmstad, Sweden.

Performance: Xpose (2012)
"With inspiration from architecture and the 'Corbuiser pose' experimenting with performances exploring the architetctural space."

Event at Facebook.

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012

On the way to break the waves / Vamos a romper olas / Badperfomace test - havet, vågorna och kroppen

On the way to break the waves / Vamos a romper olas / Badperfomace test - havet, vågorna och kroppen.

viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

7 metre mermaid construct prep/// 7m - en jävligt lång lille havefru /// 7 metros de sereíña, pronto en el mar

7 metre mermaid construct prep/// 7m - en jävligt lång lille havefru /// 7 metros de sereíña, pronto en el mar

Östra Stranden, Halmstad, SueciaSweden.