jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

Oct | Television | Lativa

Zivju migrācijas ceļa atjaunošana Noriņas upē from Latvijas Dabas fonds on Vimeo.

Latvijas Dabas fonds invited me to participate in the final day of cleaning away the old dam to enable trout and other fish to migrate better in the river. The national Latvian nature show "Vides fakti" came and filmed us.

Med i 'Ett med Naturen' i Lettland 'Vides fakti'.


martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

Text | MigAA workshop | Nida Lithuania

From my presentation at the Migrating Art Academis exhibition:

"Terminology of body modifications and the experiences thereof.

Body horizon.
The Shorts Theorem.
Organic body effect [of massage] /landscape/buildings/sculptures.
The individual cannibal effect.
The spectator cannibal effect.
Distant body massage.
3rd arm effect.
2D body part sensation.
Realistic 3D body part.
Alien 3D body part theory."

Some comments from the MigAA workshop in some different places on the web.

'Serendipity As the Way Of the Observer'


sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015

Sept | Television | Nida, Lithuania

As a part of research during the Migrating Art Academies workshop, I voluntered in the National Park of Nida assiting with the removal of some trees. And ended up on National Lithuanian Television show Panorama!

Link to the program here: http://www.lrt.lt/mediateka/irasas/83991#wowzaplaystart=0&wowzaplayduration=1130000


lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2015

MigAA workshop | Serendipity: Thinking Against Logic | Nida, Lithuania

Once again of to enjoy and explore a MigAA workshop "Serendipity: Thinking Against Logic"


My initial statement>>>


Touching down in Tromsö. Sapmi language discussion over some beer. I mention that the only Finnish word my mother has taught me was the Finnish word for fire - tuli. Aha they say dolla and tula. I look into the Russian - Kildin Sapmi dicionary that I have carried with me as some inpenetrable soduko exercize: огонь (RU) - тōлл (Kildin Sapmi). http://saami.uni-freiburg.de/ksdp/kildin/RUSARU.pdf

How would the function of serendipity work differently in the field of structured humanistic sciences such as linguistic as compared to within the natural sciences?

In the age of machine translation what would the human brain do 'wrong'/differently/discover?

Serendipity in a closed system such as all the worlds languages i.e. they will always connect. Serendipidity in a more linear natural scientific scheme such as physics.

Sergei Starostin combining all possible language data into his
The Tower of Babel http://starling.rinet.ru/babel.php?lan=en Big data processing by data servers? A dada poets wet dream?
Language. Turkish Dil. Azerbajani Dil. Kazach Тіл. Baskhir Тел. Mongol Хэл.<<<

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

Aug | Music video | Gothenburg, Sweden

The performance video "7 metre mermaid construction /// 7 m - en jävligt lång lille havfru /// 7 metros de sereina" ends up in Vivaldi Finans music video for the song "De Älskandes Hemliga Tankar"

viernes, 21 de agosto de 2015


SKOGZVÅRDSSTYRELSEN (både dansband och myndighet) tackar för assistancen under redovisandet av de nya skogzparagraferna gällande skogzmassage, gallring och slutavverkning under #yttrevång #yttrevång2015 #yttrevång8


martes, 14 de julio de 2015

July | Test Performance | The Herman Norrman sculpture | Tranås, Sweden

Testar en performance om Herman Norrman "Massage av Herman Norrman" med hjälp av Herman Norrman skulpturen i Tranås under research residency hos Kultivera i Tranås.

Early morning massage of Herman Norrman
Posted by Henrik Hedinge on Tuesday, 14 July 2015

July | Poetry/Performance event | Hättebadet, Tranås

Öppen scen: TrampolinPoesi

Så här i sommartider, varför inte blanda ihop bad och poesi?

På tisdag kl 19 träffas vi i Hätte för att lyssna på poesi läst från hopptornet. Läs din poesi och hoppa i spat!

Ta med din egen poesi och simma ut till hopptornet och läs den eller slå dig ner på stranden för lyssna på poesi i en annorlunda miljö.


martes, 31 de marzo de 2015

March | Performance | The Picasso Sculpture | Halmstad, Sweden

Nocturnal Massage of the Picasso Sculpture [Large Structural Massage], Halmstad, Sweden.

miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015

Feb | Performance | Dramalogen | Halmstad, Sweden

Performance på #Dramalogen. Byggnadsmassage. Första gången i Sverige med Henrik som praktiserat detta i andra länder tillsammans med arkitekter.
Posted by Dramalogen on Monday, 9 February 2015

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2015

Feb | Publication | Nida Art Colony | Nida, Lithuania

Nida Art Colony Log 2013/2014:
>>Ruošimasis "Švesdiško Masažo" performansui /
Preparation for performance "Swedish Massage"<<
ISBN 978-609-447-151-3