jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

Oct 2-5 | Invited Speaker | Res Artis Regional Meeting 2014 | Vilnius + Nida, Lithuania


Why do artists go to residencies? /// Come and celebrate my 20th residency anniversary!

20th Anniversary! Come and celebrate my 20th Artist Residency Anniversary!
There will be cake! And funny hats! Come and play with my memory [GAME] of the 20 residencies.

20 artist residencies. 7 years. 4 continents. 14 countries. 19 different locations.
What happened? What did I learn? Why did I go?

Jellyfish and vodka shots with old fishermen at Orkney. GenderFlux transplant workshop with Mexican medicine students. 4 months on a mattress in the back of a gallery in Paraguay. Three weeks in a penthouse studio in Bergen. 9 co-residents in Iceland. 2 dogs in Italy.

Come and play with my memory [GAME] of the 20 residencies.

Indisciplinarte http://www.indisciplinarte.it/ 
Non grata/Art Container www.artcontainer.ee
OZU cultural center http://www.ozu.it/
Taoh Residency / Tou Scence http://annemarte.wordpress.com/taoh-residency/ 
Universidad de Bellas Artes http://www.residenciascordoba.blogspot.com/ 
Larissa Jiménez Planta Alta https://www.flickr.com/photos/larissa_jimenez/ 
Kiosko Galleria http://www.kioskogaleria.com/ 
mARTadero | Arte y Cultura http://www.martadero.org/ 
Üsküdar Art [no site]
R.A.T - Residencias Artísticas Por Intercambio https://www.facebook.com/ResidenciasArtisticasporIntercambio?
bokACCIÓN + ARTóN http://bokaccion.blogspot.com/  http://www.arton.es/
AIR Bergen / USF Verftet http://www.airbergen.no/ 
Taoh Residency / Tou Scence http://annemarte.wordpress.com/taoh-residency/ 
Art Box http://artistinresidenceserbiaartbox.wordpress.com/
EXIST - a space for performance art, live art and action art http://existenceperformanceart.wordpress.com/ 
A for Atlas http://www.aisforatlas.org.au/ 
PACT Sydney http://www.pact.net.au/ 
Papey Listskjul / Papay Arts Centre http://www.landart.papawestray.org/ 
Nida Art Colony / Nidos meno kolonija http://www.nidacolony.lt/ 
Nes Artist Residency http://neslist.is/ 

Many countries. Many performances. Lots of people.
With a background in studies of natural sciences and engineering, interest switched to the arts. Swedish land art installations became “Fruity Torture” performance at the Museo de los Bellas Artes in Caracas. A broken heart in Latin America became performances and presentations with play doh sculptured genders shown at more than 20 events in 3 continents. As an artist presenting performances and videos. As a curator organizing exhibitions, screenings and publications. Workshops and lectures. 4 continents. 7 years.

Swedish grandmothers. Mexican engineering students. Pregnant man life drawing sessions. Bamboo from Brisbane Botanical Garden. Strawberry footballs in Quito. Art smuggling in Bolivia. Embassy visits in Buenos Aires.

4 continents. 7 years. + 20 residencies.

At the moment exploring body perceptions. Exoskeletons. Massage of aliens. Mirror neurons. Anorexia. GenderFlux.

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