"Pe sueco hina ojeha'e akue paraguaype opyta jetavy'o autocad." (Guarani) ///
“El Sueco que se fue por Paraguay para aprender AutoCad”. (Castellano) /// "The Swedewhowent to Paraguayto learnAutoCAD." (English) Iniciando la exploracion de AUTOCAD en arte con un taller en Saltodigital en Paraguay. /// Starting the exploration of AUTOCAD and art with a workshop at Saltodigital in Paraguay. [https://www.facebook.com/saltodigitalpy]
It was a project with installations on three islandsina deep lakein Sweden. I brought out all the materials to the islands, installed one installation on eachisland andmadesome performances withaccidentalaudiencesandblackand white photo documentations. People were shouting frompassingboatsand the local newspaperspublished several articles.The local peoplestill rememberthe projectaskingfor more.It was in2003 beforethe universityof art, out of contextand scopeofartinstitution.
Are there differencesbetweenScandinavianandLatin American audiences?
No idea. AftersejourinSouthAmerica2008-2009probablythought there was abigdifference betweenthe two audiencesbut now witha few yearsof experienceI do not know. It depends onthepersonandthe context.
What do you donow?
InvestigatingAutoCad, technical illustration, marineengineer, under water cameras,rappelling, micro movements in water, Paraguayanindigenouslanguages andyoga. At this moment trying tostart theperformance: "The Swedewhowent to Paraguayto learnAutoCAD." What doyou like mostabout Latin America?
Theredarepas ofCaracas. TheParaguayanjujo. TheavocadosfromChile. The busesofBuenosAires. Thepataconesof Bogota.Thefootballs of frozen strawberryjuice in Quito. Themetro station inMontevideo. All countriesand regionsandcities and townsare different, people havethings in commonand everythingchanges.ButI do not likedengue.
You spokeof Antarctica, what performancewoulddo on the Antarctic ice? Iwould throwme onto the ice. Iwould embrace it. I would sleepwith it. Restwith ice. Feelthe ice. Wouldmake a footballof Antarctica. Iwould get into the seaand swim and try toreturn theicebergsto the South Pole. I would freezemy foot. Dance withthe penguinstill the endof the day.