lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011

28 March | Cymru/Wales | Video performance | GenderFluxβ

The 28th of March the video performance GenderFluxβ will be screened in Cardiff (Cymru) at the video art event Vertical Cinema.

"Gender Flux (DylifRhyw)(2010), Henrik Hedinge
‘Pobl yn chwilio am ei phersona. Ei phersonoliaeth. Yn chwilio am chyrff ei chwantiau, neu ar goll yn ei chyrff. Ffyrdd normal anghyfun o fyw yn gyfnewidiog. Hormonau yn newid cyrff a phersona yn wirfoddol o lygredd gorfodaeth. Dylif wybodaeth cyflym ymhen cyfnod y rhyngrhwyd yn ystyr freuddwydion a teimladau fwy aml.

Gerbron efallai, ymdeimlwyd yn fenyw, yn ddyn neu’n hoyw. Ar hyn o dro ymhen llif yswitian wybodaeth, chwantiau a chysyniadau yn digwydd yn chwim. Nid oes amser newid rhywoliaeth. Mae’n rhywoliaeth wedi dyfod llif cyson metamorffosis. DylifRhyw.(GenderFlux)’"

For more info about the event:

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

13 March | Brazil | photo performnace

A photo from the performance GenderFlux Adhesive will take part in an exibition in Rio Claro (Brazil) curated and organized by José Roberto Sechi.

The exhibition is connected to a project about gender where the "male" artists were asked to imagine how it is to be a "woman" and vice versa.

The GenderFlux Adhesive was first shown as an exhibition in Paraguay, then it became a photo performance in Venezuela, a happening in Macedonia, a flyer for a performance art event in Lisboa.

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

5 March | Australia | Installation

Poster photo of the event.

On the 5th of March the GenderFlux InstallationTV will have its second presentation in Australia. This time at the new performance event exist-ing # 1 – welcome to my boudoi[a]r[ts].
More information about the event here:

5 March | Argentina | Diseño de ropa