miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

29 Sept/ 1 Oct | Bosnia | Video performance | GenderFluxβ

The video performance GenderFluxβ will be screened in Bosnia at the namaTRE.ba 4 video art event.
More info here http://www.namatre.ba/

martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

28 Sept | Serbia | Performance and lecture at high school

Thanks to the invitation of the performance artist and professor Dragan Vojvodic I was invited to a high school in Novi Sad, Serbia, to present performances and a talk for the art and photo students.

Another thanks to the Argentinian fashion designer Luciana Passerni that had designed to clothes used in the performance.

viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010

24-25 Sept | Greece | Video performance | GenderFluxβ

GenderFluxβ will be screened in Greece thanks to the Moving Frames Festival.

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

23 Sept | Skopje | Performance

The 23rd of September I presented a series of performances at the Open Grafic Art Studio at the Museum of the City of Skopje.
Thanks to the Macedonian curator Jovanka Popova.

Article in the news paper Nova Macedonia before the event here.

Here the information in Macedonian:

23 септември (четврток), 21 часот
Отворено графичко студио
Презентација на перформерската практика на Henrik Heding и перформанс на тема род и стереотипи
***********************************************************************Луѓе кои се во потрага по својата личност. Луѓе кои се во потрага по пожелно тело или пак се изгубени во своето тело. Вообичаените хетеро начини на живот се менуваат. Хормоните го менуваат телото и личноста, природно или под влијание на загадувањето. Брзиот проток на информации во ерата на интернетот прави да сонуваме или чувствуваме многу повеќе отколку претходно.
Некогаш можеби сте можеле да се почувствувате дека сте маж или жена. Во денешниот нервозен тек на брзи информации желбите и концепциите се менуваат се побрзо. Повеќе нема време за промена на родот. Вашиот род станува константен ток на полови метаморфози. GenderFlux.

Henrik Hedinge (1980) е шведски уметник чиј предмет на интерес е уметноста на перформансот и сродните полиња од областа на видео артот и инсталацијата. Уметнички проекти презентирал насекаде низ Европа и Латинска Америка. Неговата работа, фокусирана на темата на различните начини на промена на телата и полот, прикажана е преку работилници, видео арт, веб перформанси и перформанси.

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

20 Sept | Performance in Newspaper | BLIC, Serbia

Article in the Serbian newspaper BLIC about the performance I presented at:
IMAF 2010 - 12th International Multimedial Art Festival.

viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010

17-18 Sept | Serbia | Performance at the IMAF 2010 performance festival

12th International Multimedial Art Festival - IMAF 2010

IMAF this year was held in the following three terms: 7th and 8th May 2010 (Caroline Smith, London-United Kingdom), 3rd July 2010 (Tonya McMullan, Belfast-Northern Ireland) and 17th and 18th September 2010 (Heike Pfingsten, Nordhorn-Germany, Henrik Hedinge, Sweden, Caterina Davinio, Rome-Italy, Pilar Talavera, Lima-Peru, Ana Alenso, Caracas-Venezuela and from Serbia: Radoslav Chugaly, Nenad Bogdanovic, Gordana Zlatanovic, MP_art, Dragan Vojvodic and Stanisa Krstic).


viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

10-11 Sept | Sweden | Performance quiz

Presented a performance art quiz in the format tv-show together with a visit by the Republican Banana Party on election tour.

A lot of people. A lot of art. And not so much planned. Just great.

Fotos form the event here http://yttrevang.se/bildarkiv/2010-2/
Main site of the event is http://yttrevang.se   

10 Sept | Canada | Group show

Is participating with 10 illustrations in the exhibition Peripheral Zones in Hamilton, Canada.

"Peripheral Zones

September 10 - October 2, 2010

An exhibition of drawings, video and performance by: Gabriela Alonso, Nelda Ramos and Zonadearte gallery artists (Quilmes, Argentina).

Curated by Irene Loughlin Location: Hamilton Artists Inc. 161 James St North Hamilton ON
Opening: Friday, September 10th, during the James St. North Art Crawl, 7-11 pm, with a live performance by Gabriela Alonso and Nelda Ramos at 9 pm
Gallery hours: Tues-Fri 12-5, Sat 12-4"


jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

9 Sept | Australia | Performance video and performance photos

Rebecca Cunningham is taking my performance video "El Piramide" (2009) and some performance photos to the performance forum "Under The Radar Forum" at the Brisbane festival.

This material was shown earlier this year at the Existence Performance Art Festival in Brisbane.