sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

15th May: At least 2 performances, Roma, Italy - NOT

At least two performance to be presented the 15th of May in Roma.

Canceled because of fever :(

Was supposed to have been the first mayor GenderFlux live performance. So the process is a bit stuck but the video continues to be shown in different parts of the world. So far it has been shown in Lima and in Berlin.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

6th of May: 3 performances and a talk in Serbia

3 performances and a talk in Belgrade the 6th of May.
At Remont Gallery. http://www.remont.net/

SERBIAN TEXT (English text below):

Galerija REMONT

U četvrtak 06. maja u 17:30

Henrik Hedinge

Prezentacija performerske prakse Henrika Hedingea i tri performansa na temu roda i stereotipa 

Ljudi u potrazi za svojom ličnošću. U potrazi su za poželjnim telom ili su izgubljeni u svom telu. Normalni hetero načini života se menjaju. Hormoni menjaju tela i ličnosti, namerno ili pod uticajem zagađenja. Brzi protok informacija putem interneta čini da sanjamo i osećamo mnogo više stvari nego pre.

Nekada ste možda mogli osećati da ste muškarac ili žena ili gej. U današnjem nervoznom toku brzih informacija želje i koncepcije se menjaju sve brže i brže. Više nema vremena za promenu pola. Vaš pol je postao konstantan tok polnih metamorfoza. GenderFlux. 
Henrik Hedinge je počeo da se bavi performansom vezano za teme sporta i lend arta u Švedskoj. U svom daljem performerskom radu, širom Evrope, istraživao je nove teme vezane za medije i popularnu kulturu. Zatim je usledio jednogodišnji performerski rad po Latinskoj Americi – fruity torture, strawberry football, lucha libre, violent banana amputations.  

Henrik je sada ponovo u Evropi sa novom serijom performansa - GenderFlux.

Henrik Hedinge (1980,Švedska)

Performer, kustos i organizator performerskih umetničkih projekata.
Prezentovao je performanse u galerijama, muzejima, kulturnim centrima i festivalima performansa u Argentini, Boliviji, Kolumbiji, Ekvadoru, Engleskoj, Italiji, Norveškoj, Paragvaju, Švedskoj, Urugvaju, Venecueli i Turskoj.
Video performanse je prikazivao i predstavljao na umetničkim festivalima, festivalima performansa, filmskim festivalima, muzejima i galerijama u Argentini, Australiji, Estoniji, Meksiku, Rusiji, Švedskoj i Urugvaju.
Učestvovao na izložbama u galerijama, muzejima i kulturnim centrima u Brazilu, Kanadi, Italiji, Švedskoj, Paragvaju i Sloveniji.
Održao predavanja na temu performansa na univerzitetima, školama, muzejima, kulturnim centrima i festivalima performansa u Argentini, Boliviji, Kolumbiji, Ekvadoru, Engleskoj, Italiji, Norveškoj, Paragvaju, Švedskoj i Venecueli.
Rezident program u Italiji, Estoniji, Norveškoj, Boliviji, Argentini i Paragvaju.
U domenu performansa je organizovao i kurirao izložbe, video projekcije i saradničke projekte u Švedskoj, Kolumbiji, Italiji i Paragvaju.


3 performances and a talk in Belgrade the 6th of May.
At Remont Gallery. http://www.remont.net/
 Text in progress. Text looking something like this at the moment:


Three performances and a lecture.

A lecture about Henrik Hedinge’s performance art combined with three performances about gender and stereotypes.

People looking for their persona. Their personality. Looking for their body of desire or being lost in their body. Hetero normal ways of living are changing. Hormones changing bodies and personas voluntarily or forced by pollution. Fast information flux in the era of internet making us dream and feel many more things than before.

Before maybe you felt that you were a man or a woman or gay. In today's twitter flow of quick information, desires and conceptions change quicker and quicker. No time to change your gender. Your gender has become a constant flow of gender metamorfis. GenderFlux.

Henrik Hedinge started working with performance in connection with sports and land art in Sweden. With further performance work around in Europe new issues around media and popular culturure were explored. The period in Europe lead to a one year period of performance work in Latin Amerika with fruity torture, strawberry football, lucha libre and violent banana amputations.
Now he is back in Europe with a new series of performances - GenderFlux.