Participation in the "Kueer Qonstutställning" (Kueer Art Exhibition) at Galleria Ocampo in Malmö, Sweden, together with Marina Markovic.
Galleria Ocampo at Facebook.
She doıng me from behınd.
She doıng me from the front.
Woman gettıng the man pregnant.
Dont`t we need protectıon?
I haven`t taken my pılls.
I don`t have a condom.
It doesn`t matter. It ıs just a fuck.
'Come on get me pregnant'
Do me pregnant.
Fuck me over.
From behınd.
Protectıon ıs not nessecary, ıt ıs just a fuck.
Come on woman. Get me pregnant.
Concept, text, performer: Henrık Hedınge (Sweden), some kınd of man
Drawıngs by Marina Markovic (Serbıa), some kınd of woman
Long runnıng project. Text by Henrık Hedınge about the project.
Started some years ago when I had relatıonshıps wıth partners that had chıldren from the earlıer relasıonshıps.
How wıll I feel ın such a sıtuatıon, where the other person has a bıologıc tıe to the chıld whıle I not?
More thoughts emerged: how does the bıology of the body and the man effect the relatıonshıp to chıldren and people ın general?
Men lıvıng wıthout the experıence of growıng a chıld ın theır body. Wıtout the experıence of feedıng someone dırectly from hıs own body.
How does thıs effect the relatıon and relatıonshıps to people ın general?
Work took started ın Buenos Aıres wıth some performance pıeces where food was attached to my body. Later on ın Paraguay less subtıle connectıons where made by addıng contaınters of mılk to my body (even a Tetra Pak, maybe thıs became somethıng wıth mother Sweden?). Larger sets of food were connected to the body ın other performances. Large stomachs made up of red and yellow pınjata balloons were attached to sımulate pregnancıes ın dıfferent ways, maybe more as colourful metaphours than actually lookıng lıke pregnancıes.
Back ın Sweden the work contınued but ın more subtle ways. Pregnant man cakes were made and brought over to people for a fıka. A dıscussıon wıth a paınter ın Paraguay was ınıtıated about usıng my body ın paıntıngs but as beıng pregnant. Project stalled a bıt but contınued wıth the experıment of usıng the lıfe drawıng sıtuatıon at a school ın Sweden. I was the nude lıfe drawıng model and the students were asked to draw me as they normally do ın such a sıtuatıon but wıth the added ınstructıon of drawıng me pregnant. I was ıntvıted to partıcıpate ın a group exhıbıtıon ın Ljubljana wıth an artwork together wıth a Paraguayan artıst. The artwork was an ıllustratıon of me by the Paraguayn artıst repeated sıx tımes. On top of thıs I sew cut outs from a love and sex ınstructıonal book from the 70tıes, of the chıld ın the woman`s body durıng the dıfferent stages of the pregnancy. The theme of the exhıbıtıon was taboos depıcted by tradıtıonal handcrafts. When I sent of the proposal, I dıd not have a clue ıf `male pregnancy` was consıdered to be a taboo, but the art work was accepted.
When I came to Beogrado I started to thınk ıf I could develop the work there but after that a lot of people saıd that gays and lesbıans etc have very much problems there ın the publıc sphere. I started to thınk that ıt was not safe to develop any work there. A connectıon lead to another connectıon and I meet thıs serbıan artıst that also had worked a lot of tıme wıth ıssues concerıng the body. We dıscussed the lıfe drawıng experıments I had done and started talkıng about ıf we should do ıt togeter but just ın the format of one woman and one man, the heteronormal format of a relatıon and also the sex sıtuatıon. We realızed that the set up of a woman drawıng a man pregnant had quıte many surprısıng conotatıons, both comıcal ones and also quıte ınterestıng conotatıons around the man-woman relatıonshıp.
The woman gettıng the man pregnant.
Henrık Hedınge
Istanbul, Aprıl 1st 2010
sábado, 10 de abril de 2010
sábado, 3 de abril de 2010
April 3: Performance in Istanbul, Turkey
Second day of the opening of the Uskudart space in Istanbul and I presented another performance.
Life Drawing Project - Small Group Drawing
Pencils were distributed among the people being present.
A small paper (half an A4) was placed on the floor.
I installed myself as the life drawing model.
The people present were asked to togehter make one drawing of me being pregnant at the small paper during the limited time of 60 seconds.
When the 60 seconds had passed each person was asked to sign the part of the drawing that they had made.
Info about the space where the performance took place:
Life Drawing Project - Small Group Drawing
Pencils were distributed among the people being present.
A small paper (half an A4) was placed on the floor.
I installed myself as the life drawing model.
The people present were asked to togehter make one drawing of me being pregnant at the small paper during the limited time of 60 seconds.
When the 60 seconds had passed each person was asked to sign the part of the drawing that they had made.
Info about the space where the performance took place:
viernes, 2 de abril de 2010
2nd April: Performance in Istanbul, Turkey
By the kind invitation of Uskudart in the Asian side of Istanbul, I presented the second performance at Turkish soil.
Life Drawing Project - Big Group Drawing
Me posing as a life drawing model.
As it was close to a mosque I had clothes on.
Pencils were distributed to everyone present.
A paper of 3m x 2m was put on the floor.
The people present were asked to make one drawing of me being pregnant on the big paper.
When it was fininished each person was asked to sign the parts of the body that they had drawn.
More info about the space here:
Life Drawing Project - Big Group Drawing
Me posing as a life drawing model.
As it was close to a mosque I had clothes on.
Pencils were distributed to everyone present.
A paper of 3m x 2m was put on the floor.
The people present were asked to make one drawing of me being pregnant on the big paper.
When it was fininished each person was asked to sign the parts of the body that they had drawn.
More info about the space here:
jueves, 1 de abril de 2010
1st April: Performance en Istanbul, Turkey
Peş Peşe performance event in Istanbul
Bubbly Chewing Gum Tumors
Body transformed by bubbly chewing gums of teenage years.
Photos: Volken Ergen
1 Nisan 2010, Perşembe 20:00
Aylık açık performans akşamı, her sanatçıya 15 dakka, peş peşe…
Et, zarafet, yücelik 2
“Ortalama bir göbek, sağlam sıkı, akça pakça ya da zambak gül karılımı bir ten, pürüzsüz etli, düzgün, kar beyazı tüysüz bir yüz...Derisi fazla gevşek olmayan, sarkmayan bir karın…”
Rubens, İnsan Figürünün Teorisi
*Çiğdem Kaya: “Uyuyan Yolcuları Soymaya Çalışan Hırsızı Yılanın Sokması
*Luk Sips, Nihali Ayribir: “Siyah Dul”
*Henrik Hedinge: “Balonlu Çiklet Tümörleri”
*Anne Weshinskey: “Harika Kabine Varyetesi”
*Ayşe Nur Ergen (ses), Volkan Ergen (video): “Beklemek”
*Kainat Güzeli: “Üçleme”
Giriş: 10 TL
Rengahenk Sanatevi
İstiklal Cad. Olivo Han Geçidi n.5 Kat:2 Galatasaray
(Barcelona Pastanesinin üstü)
Tel: 212 292 32 47
Bubbly Chewing Gum Tumors
Body transformed by bubbly chewing gums of teenage years.
Photos: Volken Ergen
1 Nisan 2010, Perşembe 20:00
Aylık açık performans akşamı, her sanatçıya 15 dakka, peş peşe…
Et, zarafet, yücelik 2
“Ortalama bir göbek, sağlam sıkı, akça pakça ya da zambak gül karılımı bir ten, pürüzsüz etli, düzgün, kar beyazı tüysüz bir yüz...Derisi fazla gevşek olmayan, sarkmayan bir karın…”
Rubens, İnsan Figürünün Teorisi
*Çiğdem Kaya: “Uyuyan Yolcuları Soymaya Çalışan Hırsızı Yılanın Sokması
*Luk Sips, Nihali Ayribir: “Siyah Dul”
*Henrik Hedinge: “Balonlu Çiklet Tümörleri”
*Anne Weshinskey: “Harika Kabine Varyetesi”
*Ayşe Nur Ergen (ses), Volkan Ergen (video): “Beklemek”
*Kainat Güzeli: “Üçleme”
Giriş: 10 TL
Rengahenk Sanatevi
İstiklal Cad. Olivo Han Geçidi n.5 Kat:2 Galatasaray
(Barcelona Pastanesinin üstü)
Tel: 212 292 32 47
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