jueves, 24 de abril de 2008

24-29 Avril: ArtProjectMjösa2008

What the fuck is Henrik doing in Norway?

Proyecto junto con la artista Noruega Eva Marie Yri Skjöldt. Aqui jugando con los esteriotypos de Suecos y Norguegos.

Foto: Eva Marie Yri Skjöldt.


lunes, 21 de abril de 2008

21st April | Performance | Tou Scene, Stavanger, Norway

As a part of the Taoh Residency at Tou Scene I presented a performance.
"Playing football with the Sea."

"Playing football with the Sea"
New performance where we will play football with the sea and write Haiku's about it.

Performance at Tou Scene, Stavanger, 20th of April at 14.00

Everyone welcome to participate.

A part of my Taoh Residency at Tou Scene

jueves, 17 de abril de 2008

Instructions: Sweden - Mexico en Mexico

En colaboracion con Allin L. Reyes presentamos un parte del proyecto "Instruction: Sweden - Mexico" en Centro Nacional de las Artes en Mexico City. Tu puede encontrar todo nuestro proyecto aqui www.instructions-sweden-mexico.blogspot.com/

miércoles, 16 de abril de 2008

lunes, 14 de abril de 2008

14 April | Performance | PrøveRommet, Bergen, Norway

"En liten residens på Tou Scene har blivit till en mindre norsk performanceturné med performance på Podium i Oslo den 3. april, Tou scene 12. april och nu också en performance på Prøverommet den 14.april.
Henrik Hedinge är en ung svensk performancekonstnär som under förra året arbetade med en rad performance projekt i Italien, Sverige och Estland samt i samspel med en rad länder i Latin Amerika. Han skapar performance arbeten där publiken delar aktivt, människor är hans huvudsakliga material i en form eller annan. Under kvällens performance har Henrik tänkt sig att skapa en tillfällig struktur med hjälp av den närvarande publiken. En Grotowskijinspirerad tillfällig situation med frukt, färg och folk."

PrøveRommet @ bit-teatergarasjen


sábado, 12 de abril de 2008

12 April | Performance | Tou Scene, Stavanger, Norway

Presented the performance "Stole ikke på svensker" ("Don't trust on Swedish people)at a music festival at the TOU Scene in Stavanger.

A part of my Taoh Residency at Tou Scene

sábado, 5 de abril de 2008

05-19 April | Taoh Residency | Tou Scene, Stavanger, Norway.

"During the residency I would like to develop further interaction and participation exploring various fields depending on site, audience and material. Usually working with famous performances as basic material, combining with what is very local such as for example the local kitchen or language.
In most of the work, the audience is included in the activities as during the performance art residency in Italy last year where I improvised choir singing with text trouvés."

A part of my Taoh Residency at Tou Scene

jueves, 3 de abril de 2008

3rd April | Performance | Oslo, Norway

3rf of April Oslo - performance
The third of April (after three days in Oslo) I managed to get into the Oslo theatre Black Box experimental
performance scene Podium

3rd of April (after three days in Oslo) I managed to get into the Oslo theatre Black Box experimental
performance scene Podium: Henrik Hedinge
“Blant appelsiner og våpen”
