jueves, 30 de junio de 2016

Photo performances about climate change in Manchester

Thanks to the organizers Rebecca Cunningham and Rachel Perry
3 of my performance works relating to Earth and climate change was presented in Manchester during the Climate Change Synaesthesia event.


Climate scientists and artists take hold of the exhibition,
inviting the public to take another look…an immersive installation unfolds and we hear, touch, smell and taste the effects of climate change through a labyrinth of stories, images and objects
This event is the centrepiece of the Manchester Climate Change Leaders program – a suite of events funded by the EPSRC Impact Accelerator Account that has enabled the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, Manchester Museum, and Manchester Climate Change Agency to collaborate in new and innovative ways.

As Manchester develops its strategy to become zero carbon by 2050, Climate Change Synaesthesia is part of this year’s Manchester Climate Lab programme to find exciting new ways to engage and inspire people to take action on climate change.

For the first time, artists Rachel Parry and Rebecca Cunningham work intimately with climate scientists, museum curators and policy makers, aiming to create a space where the noise of climate change data can take pause…we know we have so much to do… ‘We can’t change the past…but we can change the future’… In the act of performance and art, reality may be momentarily suspended, offering a space of pause, an opportunity for personal meta-physical transformation….Living data…enlivened by the body…we imaged out potential futures…dystopias..utopias…?
What will our zero carbon future look like?

When: 30 June 8 – 9:30pm – After Hours at Manchester Museum
Where: Manchester Museum, University of Manchester, Oxford road, Manchester M13 9PL
Cost: Free – Adults – Book on mcrmuseum.eventbrite.com

lunes, 18 de abril de 2016

"Una semilla de abedul" / "Ett björkfrö" på spanska

Hedinge & Södergran!

ESP: Mi poema "Una semilla de abedul" ya esta publicado en la revista La Ignorancia.

SWE: Min dikt "Ett björkfrö" finns nu publicerad i den spanska kulturtidskriften La Ignorancia tillsammans med en dikt utav Edith Södergran. Min dikt finns på sidan 42.


viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

Letar efter Lycksalighetens Ö

Som en del i mitt undersökande av lokala författare (Karin Boyes fjäderbollspelande i bygden, Harriet Löwenhjelms diktande) har nu turen kommit till Per Daniel Amadeus Atterbom och hans Lycksalighetens Ö - ett sagospel i fem äfventyr - men att det fanns så många öar! 

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2016

Cuchillos y bananas / Performance text from Paraguay

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

Oct | Television | Lativa

Zivju migrācijas ceļa atjaunošana Noriņas upē from Latvijas Dabas fonds on Vimeo.

Latvijas Dabas fonds invited me to participate in the final day of cleaning away the old dam to enable trout and other fish to migrate better in the river. The national Latvian nature show "Vides fakti" came and filmed us.

Med i 'Ett med Naturen' i Lettland 'Vides fakti'.


martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

Text | MigAA workshop | Nida Lithuania

From my presentation at the Migrating Art Academis exhibition:

"Terminology of body modifications and the experiences thereof.

Body horizon.
The Shorts Theorem.
Organic body effect [of massage] /landscape/buildings/sculptures.
The individual cannibal effect.
The spectator cannibal effect.
Distant body massage.
3rd arm effect.
2D body part sensation.
Realistic 3D body part.
Alien 3D body part theory."

Some comments from the MigAA workshop in some different places on the web.

'Serendipity As the Way Of the Observer'


sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015

Sept | Television | Nida, Lithuania

As a part of research during the Migrating Art Academies workshop, I voluntered in the National Park of Nida assiting with the removal of some trees. And ended up on National Lithuanian Television show Panorama!

Link to the program here: http://www.lrt.lt/mediateka/irasas/83991#wowzaplaystart=0&wowzaplayduration=1130000
